Typical Workflow

Although every project will be different, some common things can be identified in regards to using this test suite tool.


An EnergyPlus project is typically a new feature being implemented or a bug fix. In either case, once development is completed, testing must be performed to ensure the new feature is working properly and that the changes did not break anything. Ensuring that the new feature is working properly is not a responsibility of this test suite engine at the moment, and relies on the developer performing verification and/or validation of the model.


A project will typically start with a design phase, followed by a review process before code is actually implemented. Code is then developed to provide the new or improved capability. Once the code is satisfactory and the results have been verified, regression testing must be performed. This is the spot where the test suite tool can be of most assistance, described in the next section.


To perform regression testing with this tool, only a few steps are required.

Identify Baseline

For regression testing, a baseline should be identified. This is likely a snapshot of the develop branch of the development repository. If your code is out of date develop, it is beneficial to update the branch so that the regression testing represents the latest development snapshot versus only your changes. In any case, the key is that the difference between the baseline and the proposed changes are only the changes related to this specific task.

Build Baseline and Proposed

A completed build, with BUILD_FORTRAN on, is needed for each of the baseline and proposed versions. Each build folder should have a Products subdirectory with the binaries and all other needed material.

Test Suite Options

With the tool open, configure the test suite options to point to the appropriate build directories. Then configure which test suite run configuration should be run. For a first pass, I would recommend doing design-days only so that time won’t be wasted should an obvious problem arise. Next verify the file structure. At this point, it would probably be a good idea to save the settings, using File->Save.

Select IDFs

Configure which idfs are supposed to be run using the selection and deselection buttons and options.

Running Suites

If all is well, run the test suite. At this point, the developer must process the results to determine if changes need to be made and require a rebuild. If so, the design day tests should be run again. A subset of the example files may be run at this point just on problem files. Once these results are satisfactory, a full annual simulation is useful followed by a check of the composite error files to make sure new error messages are not present.